Ramsey County Children's Mental Health Collaborative
Working across systems and with families to support children's mental health.
Call or Text (800) 565-2575

Welcome to the "Collab Family"
If your child/teen is struggling with mental health... you've come to the right place! All of our services are FREE and we love meeting new families!
FAMILIES- Welcome!

Click here to read welcome messages from the leaders of our Family Services Committee.
(800) 565-2575 Resource Line
Do you have a question or need a resource connection? Please call or text us at (800) 565-2575
Ask us about our FREE family trainings, care coordination, coaching, wellness events, youth activities, and more!
NOTE: this is not a Crisis Line. If you need immediate help, please call the Crisis numbers that are listed below. By calling or texting this number, you agree to receive text messages. If you no longer wish to receive text messages, you may opt out at any time by replying "STOP."

Emergency Mental Health
If there is physical danger, if your child needs to be physically restrained, or if you think your child will not cooperate with a visit to the doctor or hospital, call 911.
This page describes the difference between a mental health emergency and a mental health crisis. It explains the criteria for inpatient hospitalization and offers suggestion for what to do if you have to take your child to the hospital. You can also find a list of inpatient providers for youth.
Mental Health Crisis
Click on the Crisis Info button to find local crisis intervention and same day or walk-in services. Learn how you can make a crisis plan and find other ideas to support your child/ family.
Collaborative Therapy
Rapid Access and Short-Term Therapy for youth who would benefit from a “whole family” care team approach.
RCCMHC provides a youth/family screening and appointment setting with several local mental health agencies. Our priority partnerships reduce wait times. Click on the link to learn more about Therapy+ Collaborative Supports.
Whole Family Support
Our Family Support Specialists provide free resource navigation and care team coordination.
They can connect you with mental health services or other family services that your family may need. They can also help you call a Care Team meeting to get all of your service providers on the same page.
Family Peer Specialists
Our Family Peer Specialists provide free resilience coaching. They have "been there and done that" so they can walk with you as a support and guide. Family Peer Specialists can practice coping strategies from our CALM Room or help you set up your personalized Family Care Organizer.
Click on the button to find phone number and emails for:
Connie Hune
Jacinta Moss
Jennifer Forrest
Search Tool & Systems Explainer
Do you need help understanding the youth mental health system? Are you confused about where to start? Do you need other supports for your family such as legal or rent assistance?
Visit this page to find a searchable list of local agencies and mental health services.

Virtual Calm Room
Visit our virtual Calm Room to find 80+ tools to distract, relax and help you cope.
Our Family Peer Support Specialists can practice these strategies with parents/caregivers and their children.
Also available in Spanish: https://www.rccmhc.org/respirar

Community Bulletin Board
Find local and time-sensitive ​resources for mental health/stress, basic needs, parenting, free food, school, health, jobs and more! Each Bulletin Board is updated with new resources throughout the day.
Do YOU know about a helpful resource--- you can help our community by adding it to the Bulletin Board!
Adult Board (for parents, schools, and local agencies)
Teen Board (for ages 13+)
Youth Board (for kids of all ages)
Early Childhood
Cultural Brokers
The Cultural Broker Program is an initiative of the East Side Health and Well-Being Collaborative. A Cultural Broker can link people to culturally responsive supports and resources.
Families and providers can reach out to Cultural Brokers for support by contacting them directly.​

Mental Health 101 Blog
Check out our new blogs! You will recognize some of our new blog writers as past trainers, family engagement staff, or group leaders from our monthly trainings...
Protecting Your Child's Mental Health in 2020
Lighten Up: Stress Busters for Families During COVID
I Am Not My Diagnosis
How the Brain Works
and more!
Family Care Organizer
An "All in One Place" Family Care Organizer can make it easier for you to organize paperwork, keep track of changes, and share information with mental health professionals, doctors, child care, school, and family members etc. Just fill out the forms and save to a folder on Google Drive or to a flash drive or personal computer.
Our Family Peer Support Specialists can help you set up your Care Organizer!
A Message From Your Co-Chair, Jacinta Moss
January 1, 2021
Hello RCCMHC Families! I want to welcome new families and say hello to our old families. I can’t wait to see you all again. I miss your beautiful families and running around the Boys and Girls Club with your kids. I hope during this time you are still trying to stay connected with RCCMHC so that we can all support each other and so that you can get the help that your families need. Words can’t even say how much I miss you all. I hope to see more of you on Tuesday nights on Zoom for Family Game Night and education/training events. I hope most parents and kids are getting some self-care and family time and space from each other. I miss you all and can not wait to be seeing y'all beautiful and handsome faces!
Much Love to You All!
Co-Chair Jacinta Moss

Jacinta Moss Co-Chairs the Family Services Committee with Jennifer Forrest. She also serves as a Parent Representative on the RCCMHC Governing Board and is the 2021 Board Chair.
A Message From Your Co-Chair, Jennifer Forrest
January 1, 2021
Hello! My name is Jennifer Forrest. I am your new Co-Chair and am dedicated to advocating for children's mental health. I am happy to see new families and old families over Zoom. I wish it could be in person and hopefully it will be soon! We will get through the challenges together and will rise up together, as a family. I am here to provide resources and support to all of our families.
With Love,
Co-Chair Jennifer Forrest
Jennifer Forrest Co-Chairs the Family Services Committee with Jacinta Moss. She also serves as a Parent Representative on the RCCMHC Governing Board.
How Can We Help?
Call or Text 800-565-2575