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Group of Diversity People Teamwork Toget


Dear Community Volunteers,


Isolation, challenges with distance learning, and at-home stressors have pushed many youth and families to a breaking point. Service providers are working long hours, experiencing their own crises, and doing their best to avoid compassion fatigue. Metro hospitals say there has been a sharp increase in the severity/acuity of mental health crises and youth are "boarding" in ERs with nowhere else to go. Mobile Crisis Response teams (youth and adult) have been innundated with calls.


I'm worried that the existing support net of community resources is insufficient to prevent a mental health crisis that is rapidly becoming unmanageable. My hope is that community volunteers may be able to help alleviate some of the strain on our crisis response, education, and hospital systems.


In the past, I've been amazed by community members who come together and move mountains that nobody else could move on their own. I truly believe that the only way to make it through this crisis is by working together. RCCMHC will act as a connector, trainer, and supporter. We welcome your wisdom, experience, and geneous spirits!

Wendy Goodman

Executive Director, RCCMHC


We Need:

  • Phone call "check-ins" with parents or youth to offer support and resource connections

  • Volunteer coordination

  • Transportation/ care package delivery

  • Care package assembly 

  • Data entry

  • Texting Line responses (support and resource connections)

  • Support for our partner agencies (tutoring, youth work, phone/zoom family support...)


Some crisis intervention and resource coordination training is available.  Most volunteer tasks can be done from your home (not in-person.)

Could you volunteer?

Thank you for your generosity. We will contact you soon!

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It takes a village. Thank you from our "RCCMHC Family" of caregivers, youth, community volunteers and partner agencies.


If you are able to give a donation of money to support the work of RCCMHC and our partner agencies, please email or call/text (800) 565-2575

How Can We Help?

Call or Text 800-565-2575

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