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Emergency Shelter & Coordinated Access

Emergency Shelter & Coordinated Access

If you are seeking emergency shelter for your family: 651-291-0211

See more instructions in the description below

  • Locations


  • Description

    Families with at least one minor child in need of emergency shelter should call the United Wayā€™s Helpline and Crisis Line for a prescreen at 651-291-0211. If a family is currently unsheltered, they can also call Ramsey Countyā€™s Homeless Services Team directly during business hours at 651-266-7818.


    For those experiencing domestic violence, Day One Services may be able to help find a safe place for families while fleeing abuse. Call Day One Services at 1-866-223-1111.


    Women and children escaping abuse, battling addiction, or struggling homelessness and poverty can call Union Gospel Mission's Naomi Family Residence at 651-228-1800.


    Families who are sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation (streets, car, camping, public transit, etc.) or staying at a domestic violence shelter and are only looking for supportive housing (not shelter) can call 651-215-2262.


    Learn more about Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter

How Can We Help?

Call or Text 800-565-2575

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